With Larry Fitzgerald in the Super Bowl this year, there has been a lot of talk about him being the best player at his position, RIGHT now. Not too many can argue that, especially if you look at his postseason numbers. (23 receptions, 419 yards, and 5 touchdowns) One word describes that feat: R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S.
There is also plenty of talk of Fitzgerald being the best WR ever! Now, we all know he is ridiculous at what he does and he is so filthy that I could play QB and lead the Cardinals to the Super Bowl with him lining up at wide, but the best? With all do respect, (I do adore the talent of Larry Fitzgerald) I don't think he is at that first tier of NFL wide receivers, although he could be headed in that direction. With my doubts looming in my head, this led me to track down a video of Randy Moss. Randy Moss in his prime. Randy Moss in his prime, with the Minnesota Vikings.
If Randy Moss stayed with the Vikings throughout his tenure in the NFL, he easily could have become the most prolific receiver in NFL history. Check out the clip and see for yourself if you can remember his greatness...in the Purple and Gold! -- at 3:17, the definition of Randy Moss' speed is exposed.
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